Abstract acceptance and rejection emails have now been sent.
Acceptance emails have been sent to the individual listed as the Presenting Author on the submission.
Rejection emails have been sent to the submitter.
Submitters may login to the submission portal to see the status of all abstracts.
Submission Portal
The 2024 Call for Abstracts is closed.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- DISCLOSURE: Financial disclosure information is required for every author/co-author. Your abstract will not be eligible for review until each of your co-authors has completed his or her disclosure.
- All abstracts require a list of all co-authors. One member from the author list must be listed as the “Presenting Author.” This individual will be responsible for presenting the work at the Annual Meeting if the abstract is selected for podium presentation or representing the work if selected for poster presentation. All presenters at the Annual Meeting must be included on the original abstract author list. No exceptions.
- Every author added will require the following information: role (Presenting Author or Co-author), first and last name, degree, email, institution, city, and country.
- Once all of your co-authors are submitted, they will receive a request to complete their disclosure. The abstract submission will be incomplete until all co-authors have completed their disclosures. The submitter is able to track the completion of disclosures and send reminder emails to co-authors within the application portal. It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure all authors have completed a disclosure.
- Drag and reorder your authorship list to reflect how you would like names to be printed in in all publications.
- You will not be able to change the authorship list in any way (re-ordering, adding, or subtracting) once the Call for Abstracts closes.
- Abstracts must be written in the English language and contain terminology familiar to Spine Specialists.
- Topics: Include all non-traumatic and underlying traumatic conditions involving the spine as well as neoplastic conditions of the spine. See the list below for all abstract topics.
- Length: 500 words max, not including the title or references.
- Images: Each abstract is allowed a maximum of 3 graphic uploads. Accepted file types are: jpeg, jpg, png, and pdf. Reference images in the body of the abstract as “fig 1” or “table a”. Please only upload high resolution images. If the abstract is accepted, graphics will be printed in black and white on pages that are 5 inches wide and 6.875 inches tall.
- Text: Some scientific characters such as the Greek alphabet do not reliably transmit when copy and pasted. It is recommended that the default character set for your browser be used, and whenever possible, special characters be spelled out or manually entered with the special keyboard in the application portal.
- CONTENT: The text should be succinct and substantive. The abstract must include:
- Introduction: state the purpose of the study—what question was asked and why.
- Materials/Methods: describe the methods used to seek the answer.
- Results: summarize the results.
- Conclusion: discuss the findings with respect to their relationship to existing knowledge, overall significance, etc.
Omit any references to specific commercial devices and commercial company names.
- CSRS and SUBMISSION STATEMENTS: All are mandatory.
- Prior Publication or Presentation: CSRS will not accept abstracts that have been previously presented at other meetings or events, or abstracts that have been published on any platform, including journals or at other meetings.
To revisit your submission to edit or confirm that your co-authors have disclosed, log back into the submission site and find a list of all your submissions.
First, second and third place awards for outstanding, unpublished clinical, basic science and resident/fellow research papers will be offered.
Awards are in the amounts of $2,000 for first place, $1,000 for second place, and $500 for third place in each category.
Selected authors may be asked to submit a short manuscript amplifying the abstract which will be reviewed and scored by the Awards Committee.
Abstract Categories
- Basic Science
- Biologics and Bone Graft
- Biomechanics
- Complications - Avoidance and Management
- Cost Effectiveness/Health Policy
- Deformity
- Diagnostics/Imaging
- Epidemiology/Etiology/Natural History
- Motion Preservation
- Non Operative Care
- Other
- Outcomes
- Surgical Technique
- Trauma
- Tumor
- Upper Cervical Disease
Please note: CSRS will not accept abstracts that have been previously presented at other meetings or events, or abstracts that have been published on any platform, including journals or other meetings.
Key Dates
March 6, 2024
Call for Abstracts Opens
May 1, 2024
Call for Abstracts Closes
June 2024
Acceptance and Rejection Notifications Sent
July 15, 2024
Acceptance Deadline
October 14, 2024
Presenter Registration Deadline
December 11-14, 2024
52nd Annual Meeting